Our Projects

The Women’s cooperative

During a trip to the Atlas Mountains in the summer of 2023, we learned that more than anything, the girls and women of the Atlas Mountains needed a source of income. We were immensely encouraged by the overwhelming support of over 30 women in the community who have expressed their keen interest in participating in this project. Their enthusiasm serves as a testament to the potential of this initiative in uplifting the entire community.

The Women's Cooperative not only addresses the pressing issue of unemployment, but also plays a pivotal role in involving women in the burgeoning local tourism industry, unlocking a realm of possibilities that were previously elusive to them. 

Soumya’s Journey’s vision for the Sisters of the Mountain Women's Cooperative is to create economic opportunities and entrepreneurship training that foster independence, education, and the potential of women in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. This cooperative will empower these dedicated girls and women to generate sustainable livelihoods by producing and selling high-quality agricultural products crafted from local resources to tourists, as tourism is the main source of income in this region.

We urgently need your support to expand the efforts of this cooperative. Your contribution will equip girls and women with the resources, skills, and fair wages to gain financial independence, pursue education, and realize their dreams on their own terms.

The proposed products include:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Produced using locally grown apples.

2. Apple Juice: Made from hand picked apples.

3. Apple Jam: Made from hand picked apples.

4. Cherry Jam: Cherries grown in the region.

5. Couscous: A staple food of the region, our couscous will be produced using traditional techniques, preserving its authentic taste and texture.

6. Walnut Oil: Made from the finest locally sourced walnuts.

7. Herbs: Collected from the mountains, dried, and packed for sale.

8. Carpets: Made with recycled materials.

9. Baked Goods: From traditional Amazigh sweets and bread.

How you can help the Women's Cooperative:

• $50 buys 25 cider glass bottles

• $250 buys 10 bushels of apples, which yields 25 gallon of apple cider vinegar, providing employment for 30 women

• $2,000 buys a commercial oven and refrigerator

• $10,000 funds the purchase and construction of a base of operation for Soumya’s Journey and a home for the Women’s Cooperative for the build out of the cooperative premise.

Your donation of any amount makes a significant impact - from empowering  girls to fostering meaningful change. When you support a woman, you support a child, a family and a generation. 

Did you know?

Did you know in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco….

  • There are few accessible schools for girls beyond 6th grade

  • Arranged marriages are the norm, with weddings as early as age 13

  • 25% of girls have children before adulthood

  • Land can only be transferred through male heirs 

  • Unmarried, divorced, widowed , women often become destitute

  • A family of 8 normally lives on $1000 per year


MOONCATCHER Partnering Project

We’ve partnered with The MoonCatcher Project to help maturing young women in Morocco understand menstrual and reproductive health. In Soumya’s trip to the Atlas Mountains in the summer of 2023, she distributed 150 pounds of clothes and 100 reusable menstrual kits from the MoonCatcher Project. She personally met with 20 girls and women, providing the kits and educating them on the unspoken topic of menstrual health.

Here’s how the Mooncatcher Project describes the work that they do:

“Since 2011, The MoonCatcher Project has been making reusable, washable menstrual management kits - "MoonCatcher Kits" - for distribution to girls around the world, along with a menstrual and reproductive health curriculum. We provide the information and supplies they need to manage menstruation with dignity and confidence, increasing their chances of staying in school. Every person should be able to participate in their education and community life every day of the year.”


atlas mountains earthquake relief

When a devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck in September 2023, Soumya’s Journey swiftly raised funds and provided vital supplies and medical care to affected communities in the Atlas Mountains. In January, Soumya and her mother, Dr. Pier Boutin, took a trip back to the region with 400 pounds of medical supplies, winter clothing, heaters, mattresses, sleeping bags, blankets, and more. Additionally, Dr. Boutin saw over 200 patients with both injuries from the earthquake and pre-existing conditions, with the assistance of Soumya as her translator. While most people in Soumya’s village survived the earthquake, their homes were destroyed, and the Amazigh people began living in tents.

Read more about Soumya’s Journey’s efforts after the earthquake:

A Great Barrington surgeon and her daughter fly to help villagers in earthquake-torn Morocco / The Berkshire Eagle 10.2.23 Ruth Bass

Local woman returns home to the Atlas Mountains bringing earthquake relief Using her eponymous nonprofit as a fundraising platform, Soumya has endeavored to assist her village in meeting goals that run the gamut from supplying critical medical care and basic necessities to securing access to clean water and rebuilding the village of Armed. / The Berkshire Edge 9.28.23 Hannah Van Sickle

Teen fluent in rare Moroccan dialect will help earthquake rescuers: Emma Willard graduate Soumya Boutin had just started her freshman year of college / Albany Times Union 9.16.23 / Kathleen Moore
Soumya Boutin, an Emma Willard grad and UMass Amherst student, to return to earthquake-stricken native Morocco / WAMC Northeast Public Radio 9.12.23 / Dave Lucas


continued education for girls

Soumya's Journey’s vision is to remove the barriers that force girls in the Atlas Mountains to choose between education and staying close to their families. Traditionally, girls do not continue education beyond 6th grade due to cultural norms, early marriages, and the lack of local schools. By building an all-girls high school in the local community, we aim to empower young women to continue their studies without leaving home for distant hostels.

This initiative will provide a safe, nurturing environment where girls can pursue their academic dreams while staying connected to their families. It represents a transformative step towards gender equality in education and unlocking the full potential of the girls and women of the Atlas Mountains.

Invest in a girl, help a whole family.
