Investing in girls, transforming futures




Empower the women and girls of the Atlas Mountains.


A future where girls receive the education and support they need to achieve their full potential.




The foundation’s initial and ultimate goal was to build a school for girls. During the summer of 2023, board members of Soumya’s Journey did an exploratory trip to the Atlas Mountains to assess feasibility. They immersed themselves in the vibrant culture and connected with the people of the Atlas Mountains. The members visited local homes, and engaged in heartwarming conversations. Their experience was eye-opening. During their interactions with the people, they were deeply moved by the stories of bright and talented young girls who, despite completing their high school education, find themselves facing the reality of early marriage. At this time education offers few employment opportunities as there is no work for women. The women expressed interest in trade education. This led the board to introduce the Women's Cooperative. The cooperative will serve as a transformative platform to empower the women of the Atlas Mountains, economically and socially. Soumya’s Journey will offer financial support at the start of the cooperative, offering them help in education, marketing, space renovation, materials to produce the products, etc. The funding provided by Soumya’s Journey will be temporary until the cooperative is a stand alone profit organization. This is one of the many projects aiming to secure education for the girls of the Atlas Mountains and bring opportunities to develop their potential.