Who is Soumya?



Hello, my name is Soumya. I am 16 years old and grew up in Morocco. I came to the U.S. at the age of 12. This move opened up a world of opportunities I never imagined. I learned to play the piano, the ukulele and how to ride a bike. I had never even seen a piano, let alone touch the keys. I love spending time with my friends. We like to go rock climbing, biking around town, and caving. I laughed a lot. I think I am funny, but I seem to be the only person in my family who thinks that. I have four siblings, two in the U.S. and two in Morocco. 

My mother Pier and my biological parents in Morocco taught me that education is one of the most important things in life, and the only way to change the world. I enjoy school very much, some of my favorite subjects are Math, French, and politics. A good day for me is when I learn something new. I adore learning and I want every girl to experience higher education, an opportunity that was not available for me until I moved to the United States.

Cove Media TeamSOUMYA